Resolution #29: Create And Maintain A Section For Daily Updates...
/Date: 1-29-2014
Due Date: 1-29-2015
Resolution: I know I already have a section for posting updates for individual projects but sometimes I'm either too busy jumping from project to project to be able to update every little thing that I work on each day, especially now that these resolutions are piling up. I fear that my lack of updates makes it seem like I am only making these resolutions without any follow-through.
Every morning after posting my new resolution I go through the list and see which projects I can work on. I also determine which resolutions are either completed, are passive resolutions that are happening whether or not I'm actively working on them, or are resolutions that I'm waiting on. I then justify why I'm waiting. If there is no justification for why I'm not working on a resolution then I work it into my strategy for the day.
I will be sharing the notes that I take during this process so that those of you who are interested can follow along even if I am not posting resolution-specific updates.
I posted an example of yesterday’s notes here so that you can see what a complete day will look like. I may not always post updates in this format, and this may not happen every day, but if I do any work on a resolution you will be able to find out about it here.
The calendar in the sidebar will provide links to progress by date. I set up an RSS feed for these updates and am looking into what it would take to automatically generate a daily or weekly newsletter based on these updates. If you are interested in receiving updates in your email you are welcome to sign up for my mailing list for when I do implement this feature.
I look forward to continuing to share my progress.
Result #29: This Year I Successfully Maintained The Daily Breaker With Daily Updates…
Update #1: The Conclusion…
Date: 1-29-2015
This has been one of my favorite resolutions.
I started out using this to come up with a daily game plan to announce what I am up to for the day. At first… I would just copy and paste what was due for the day to share my game plan but then as I started to realize has no one seems to read this section I opened up my Insights to share my personal outlook on a day-to-day basis.
Of any of the resolutions that I've fulfilled this is the one that I think I've delved into what makes me tick more than anything else that I've shared.
I'm not going to go back and add all 365 submissions but I would recommend if you are interested in my insights that you go back and actually read my daily journal of my attempt to make it through a year of intrigue.
You might learn a lot about an interesting character that is me.