Resolution #327: Tear A Phone Book In Half Without Any Help From The Lord...


Date: 11-23-2014

Due Date: 11-23-2015

The Resolution: I haven't had cable in years so I'm not sure whether or not muscle-bound men performing feats of strength in the name of the Lord is still a staple in late-night channel surfing.

I never really understood the connections between theism and one’s ability to bend a railroad spike but I knew they were onto something. Even as an atheist I couldn't flip past The Power Team without watching for at least a few minutes.

I've seen many a phone book ripped in half by these people who pray and now's the time to train to do it as well, without the help of any power higher than the internet, because I know the internet has the answers.


Result #327: I've Been So Distracted That I Even Failed To Find A Phone Book To Rip In Half…


Update #1: The Conclusion...

Date: 11-23-2015

So I've looked into what it takes to rip a phone book in half and it doesn't look all that hard. The problem is, in this age of the internet it’s hard to find a physical phone book to rip. If I would have thought this out sooner I might have stolen one of the old ones from work back when I worked outside my home.

But no, I put this off, and now it's the due date and there is no phone book to be found.

That's okay because at this stage in the game I would have probably posted a picture of the phone book before then a photo of the ripped phone book followed by my description of the events, which sounds kind of boring to me. Hopefully in the future when I do get around to redeeming this one I will have more energy toward life and may even include a video to ad a little showmanship to this experiment. 

Or someday I may rip a phone book and share pictures just how I described above.

We'll see what happens?