Resolution #330: Build My Own Film Camera...

Date: 11-26-2014

Due Date: 11-26-2015

The Resolution: In Resolution #306 I vowed to learn how to really use a camera and develop the film. I already have a digital camera to learn all the settings and techniques and whatnot, but I do not have a film camera. Since I'll need a film camera in order to obtain the film I need to develop, I decided that I'll make my own.  


Result #330: I Failed To Buy The Kit So I Failed To Build My Camera…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 11-26-2015

I'm going to make this quick because it's Thanksgiving and I want to take a real day off. Nothing exciting about this fail, just broke as usual and ran out of time. As with all my other failures… I plan to get to it someday and will share my results when I do.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.