Resolution #9: Clean And Reorganize My Apartment...

This is actually a before, before picture of my apartment being that I have no photos of it when it's thrashed. I should have thought about that before I started to clean.

Date: 1-9-2014

Due Date: 1-16-2014

Resolution: Resolution of the day clean and rearrange my apartment so that I use the entire space by Thursday… January 16th… I currently sleep on the futon in my living room and only store clothes and a bed in the bedroom haven't really been in the bedroom for over a year.

My Strategy: I'm going to turn the main part of the apartment into more of a studio apartment… Then turn the bedroom into more of an open space… for taking a break from the main living/office area… that way… I might take more actual breaks. I have a thing where I like to sleep next to my writing area so that I can switch modes and start working when inspiration strikes.

I've always felt like a bedroom designated for nothing but sleep kind of feels like a room meant for punishment.


Result #9: I've Changed My Apartment Two Or Three Times Since Successfully Completing The Original Resolution!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion:

Date: 1-16-2014

In the process of making this happen. I felt pretty happy with how it came along. It was a lot more work than I was expecting, almost like moving into a brand new apartment. I couldn't wait to get it all set up because there is no way in hell I  could work on anything else during this messy process of cleaning :)

But now it's done.

Update #2: An Addendum…

Date: 1-9-2015

It's kind of sad to look back at this success post celebrating a step toward permanence when now all this stuff is packed up and ready to move.

I'm going to miss this place.


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