Dateline 1-24-2016
/It seems like just hours ago that I wrote one of these.
Yeah I know, no one's going to get this joke but the good this is no one will be reading it in order to not get it!!! I really need to start another Wicker Breaker Challenge to report on because my day to day life is interesting to me but I'm sure it's boring to everyone else.
I just need to finish this side project first.
I'm getting pretty close. As I pointed out the other day, I'm done transferring all the completed pages into one site, now I just need to create a couple more pages to get the site to a point where I can see the value in posting it.
Right now there's enough content to show my progress in learning how to make pages from scratch but there's nothing to get anyone to share the page or return to see what's new. Since I'm building this site as a portfolio as well as online content, I want it to market itself so it needs to be fun.
I'm at a stopping point for the latest page so I'm going to take another Photoshop course because I need to create a couple images for a couple of the pages I'm building and I want to do it right. As of now I could probably pull it off but I really need to get better at Photoshop in general. I have so many weird ideas for things to create that I just can't pull off with my current skill set.
So yeah, all this to say that I'm taking a class today. :)
I'm sure it will lead to something to share tomorrow.
Talk to you then.