Dateline 12-15-2016

Well, that was an interesting night...

Last night I replenished my "meds" and decided to order a potent edible, this thing was a 10 dose peanut butter brownie that was the size of a Beta Max cassette. It was close to midnight before I decided to chow it down. I had no plans for today so I figured why not eat the whole thing.

As always, with edibles, it takes quite a while for you to start feeling the effects. I sat at my computer tying down the loose end of the day, waiting for my eyebrows to fall under the weight of sedation.

After about a half hour, I felt myself sinking into my seat. The set in was so strong I had to drop what I was doing and shift into a more passive role for the evening. I found a documentary about movie theaters which set a nostalgic tone to my relaxing evening, as I couldn't help but think of the days that I spent ripping tickets when I first moved to Seattle. 

I woke on the couch with no idea how much time had passed, but I was still so high that I could barely walk. I don't know if I've ever felt that high. I managed to get to bed and fall under the covers. Though I was on the verge of feeling too high when I woke up for one stretch of time, the rest of the night felt great.

The only problem is when I looked at the clock to see what time it was... I could have sworn that it was still early in the AM... NOPE... When I looked at my phone it read that it was 5:30 in the PM. I haven't done anything that extreme in quite a while.

Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep tonight, so that tomorrow's post won't be as rushed and rambling... Who am I kidding, that's how my post will probably end up either way.

Talk to you tomorrow,

The Wicker Breaker