Dateline 12-17-2016

I have a weird relationship with the end of the year. I've never cared all that much about the celebratory aspects of New Year's, and the Leap Year Baby bitterness in me has led me to look at time as a man-made construct that has robbed me of my annual me day where the totems of time's passage doesn't bear all that much weight with me... well... at least not when I think about it logically.

In reality, there is no getting around living within this man-made construct of time. I almost do the same exact thing every day. Whether it's a weekday or the weekend, I sit at this computer plotting an existence as I stumble through the steps as I attempt to bring my dreams to fruition. There's no difference between day and night no matter what day or night it may be.    

However, as someone who really enjoys a self-experiment, I do often utilize this pre-established structure of time for measuring progress. I also love to start things at the start of a week or on the first of each month. I would go on to say the first of each year but that would be redundant as I already said I like to start at the first of the month it just happens to be the first month of the next cycle.

As much as I'd like to be an obnoxious stickler to my disinterest in time, I almost feel the placebo effect kick in as if there is extra power in starting something on the first of the year. Other than my resolution experiment, I wouldn't say that I'm a resolutions setter though I almost always have a challenge that I like to start on that date.

I didn't set any plans last year, which may be why this year sucked the way that it sucked for me. Sure there was the news of the election to ruin my year but I also didn't have a real extra-curricular goal to keep me distracted. This is why this blog has been so boring these past twelve months. 

Though I did have the goal to get back into school after finding my area of interest, this was more of a career goal than anything extra-curricular that I wanted to turn into content for this site. It wasn't even until about half-way through the year that I felt I was on the right track which was when I finally signed up for school.

I finally feel like I am on the right page and as much as I should just start to implement my plans as soon as I hit send to publish this post, I'm willing to consider the rest of this year a wash and wait it out before really diving into anything all that big.  This may sound like procrastination but, I'll still be working on my regular projects, I just won't be starting anything new until the holiday distractions are done with.

Now, it's time to finally start my latest assignment. This one should be a quick one but I'm not sure how long I'm going to take to make it look good. I'll let you know how things turn out tomorrow.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker