Dateline 5-8-2016
/It's Sunday and I'm not sure whether I want to slack off or continue on with my courses. The part of me that wants to slack off stems from the fact that we had a family get together yesterday and even though it was fun I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed from all the activity in my, what has grown to be, uneventful life.
I think back when I was fighting the fact that I was an introvert I got a lot more energy out of being with a large group of people. I felt more like an entertainer and would walk away from an event recalling all the entertaining things that where said, proud of the fact I got someone to laugh to the point of crying, worried about who I might have offended, looking forward to referencing something that was said in a Facebook post, looking forward to the next event.
Now that I've given up on standing out in any way, I find that I enjoy whatever brief conversations I have but I spend most of the time in my head, barely able to focus through the murmur of cluttered conversations. I now lack the focus to tune in to the room to listen for snippets of conversations to chime in on with a joke or additional information. Now I just feel an attack on all of my senses as I wait for someone to come to me.
Again, I had fun but I'm still feeling burnt out. I think I'm going to slack off until noon and see where I want to go from there. As always, I'll keep you posted as to what I come up with tomorrow.
Talk to you then,
- The Wicker Breaker