Dateline 9-23-2016
/If you have read more than one of my post then you already know that there are a few common threads now that I'm not doing experiments. I mainly discuss my attempt to find my blogging voice despite my lack of inspiration since leaving behind my life in Seattle. It's either that or a weekly, turned to biweekly, which is now monthly and will probably turn to being a bimonthly post about jumping off the wagon to drink for a day only to find that I've lost interest in alcohol. Or I post about crawling out of a rut, my progress with school, or my quirky sleep schedule and my attempts to find a version of normalcy that works for me.
Last night I discovered a new quirk in my schedule. In general, I'm a night person. I prefer to stick to a graveyard schedule because I feel more inner peace when the rest of the world is asleep. Since I started working from home, I discovered that I like getting my work done before noon to free the rest of my day for class or personal projects. This has led to a wacky hybrid schedule where I stay up until about 4:00 in the AM to then wake around 9:00 in the AM work, then take a nap to split my work day from my personal day.
This works perfectly for me because I find I'm more productive creatively in the early AM and more productive professionally in the daylight AM. What I discovered was, that school seems to fit somewhere in the middle.
The other day I finished my latest school assignment and was excited to move on to the next lesson. I had a great plan to stay up all night to burn through the lessons so that I can get started on the next assignment but I found that I just wasn't retaining the information after the sun went down.
The coding classes that I've taken in the past have mainly been transcribing the same code as the instructor as they explain what they are doing. Now that I'm taking a course that actually has lessons that explain theory then send you off to put said theory to work on your own, I now see that I wasn't learning in the past, I was just doing and that is why I was able to burn through an eight-hour lesson in one sitting.
Now I'm working on a schedule where I work in the mornings, nap to split the day, take classes in the evening, then work on creative projects overnight. I can't wait for the day that I learn what I need to for more personal time. It's been a while since I've felt that any break from this schedule is justified which sends me down the before mentioned ruts that leave me completely unproductive for days. Hopefully, I won't have another one of those until I finish this course. By then I will definitely need a bed ridden break for at least a couple days.
Now it's time to take my nap so I can get back to work on my latest lesson.
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker