Dateline 1-19-2017
/Murphy's Law is in full effect right now. I'm doing a lot of stuff to get healthy right now which of course means that I have to get sick right at the peak of my beginning efforts. I'm fine with this as far as getting my steps in for the day because I'm perfectly fine pacing around my room as I gripe about being sick.
The problem is that I have plans for tomorrow and this stuffy head and cough may end up being a hurdle that'll make the project more of a chore than it should be. Building up to this day I was excited that this battle against inactivity would give me extra energy to work through the day and get things done. Now I fear I will just end up in a blanket ball cursing at my painful cough.
I'm not all that worried because it is just a common cold, I'm just disappointed that symptoms decided to start today, making me have to think of a contingency plan in the case the I can't pull off what I want.
Luckily, I spent the first half of the week getting ahead of the game so after I publish this post I can settle in for the day and attack this bug with cold meds and vitamin C.
We'll see how this turns out and of course, I'll keep you posted on how things turn out.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker