Dateline 11-18-2017

Welcome to day number eighteen of this year's NaNoWriMo challenge where yesterday, I managed to make it throughout the entire day without having to use any of my backup content to meet my deadlines. If you haven't been following along, that's not to say that I frequently rely on backup content to get where I need but last time I did manage to build up a surplus of completed work, I burnt through my lead within about forty-eight hours.

This last incident took just took place at the beginning of the week where I simply used my one extra Saturday Night Live review to allow me to take a partial day off since I was feeling a little burnt out. Though the break was awesome, at the same time, I couldn't get over just how quickly it took me to give in and use my safety net. This is why it only took another two days to build up my surplus again.

As much as I'd love to say that I learned my lesson, there is a big part of me that's really tempted to cash in my safety net so that I can go easy today. That said, I actually need to double down and build up a bigger surplus to allow me a full day off for Thanksgiving so that I can carry out my tradition of drinking whiskey until I blackout while watching the movie Duets.

Due to the heavy drinking involved in this holiday plan, I may need even one more extra review to be used while I recover. Either way, I'm not really all that concerned because I've yet to have an issue when it comes to meeting my actual daily deadlines, I only struggle when it comes to getting and staying ahead.

With that said, it's now time to move on in my efforts to make my day which is going to be another bare minimum efforts afternoon since there will be family dropping by in the evening. As always, we'll see what I end up getting to and I'll check in tomorrow with an update on my efforts. Until then, good day and good luck to you and your projects.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. If you are reading this and playing along with this year's NaNoWriMo feel free to add fubunker as your writing buddy and I will buddy you back.