Dateline 11-26-2017
/Welcome to day number twenty-six of this year's NaNoWriMo challenge where I am now done with taking time off and am already rebuilding a new backlog of work to afford to take more time off around Christmas. Yesterday turned out to be pretty fun because it felt like I was allowed to write again and not that I had to write again once the break was over.
That's not to say that I don't feel like I needed the break as I was able to hit the ground running thanks to the revived enthusiasm which has been draining since I started working on three separate projects consecutively close to three months ago. Keep in mind, I'm going back three months because I had another project that I completed right before starting this year's NaNoWriMo so all of this extra writing has been going on for a little while.
I'm by no means complaining about the workload that I set for myself, in fact, I'd do even more if I was living alone and didn't take daily mini-breaks to hang-out with the family. I simply meant to point out what I've been working on that justifies my exaggerated relief over taking time off from a schedule that I have ninety-nine point nine control over.
Other than that, I also had an amazing night's sleep last night where I first crashed and 11:32 in the PM only to be woken by my dog at 3:14 in the AM to be let outside. At first, I was annoyed that this little white rat would go and ruin my slumber but then I realized that it was still early enough that I'd almost be able to fit in a second full nights worth of sleep and still get up at the same time as usual.
In order to do so, I took some more of my "sleeping aid" while the dog was outside pooping. By the time she got back, I was down for the count until about 6:27 in the AM when my dog woke me up once again. I don't know if she's having tummy troubles or what because she usually never has any problems at night or at least waits until I wake naturally before bugging me to go outside.
Either way, that dog had to go outside so I let her. That's when I started to think, it's Sunday, which means that I usually sleep in, and it was also still early enough to hit in a third descent slumber of the night. I think I've said this on this page in the past, but there is nothing the I like more than nights where I get several solid sessions of sleep over crashing and waking to find that the entire night has passed with the blink of an eye because it allows me to feel that I've gotten one over on The Man.
Now I'm feeling nice and refreshed to rush through a bare minimum day since today is going to be yet another weekend family event to celebrate my youngest nephew's fourth birthday. I'm not all that stressed about this get-together because it should be small with just my mom, my sisters, and their kids.
As always, I'll keep you posted on how things turn out when I check in with tomorrow's update. Until then, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.
Talk to you soon.
The Wicker Breaker
P.S. If you are reading this and playing along with this year's NaNoWriMo feel free to add fubunker as your writing buddy and I will buddy you back.