Dateline 11-5-2017

Alright, it's day number five of this year's NaNoWriMo challenge and unfortunately, I have no new words to add to my daily word count. I'm not all that worried or disappointed though because the reason I didn't get to any writing last night is that my overworked mind forced me to take a little time off.

I knew this day was bound to happen since I never took a break between rewriting my last project and starting this new one. In fact, I even pointed out in yesterday's post, it almost happened the night before but I'm glad I ended up putting it off. 

If I would have ended up taking this early break I would have gone into the time off unsure if I was even interested in coming back. That break would have been a blend of both exhaustion and frustration so I knew I had to work through it until I narrowed it down to just one of the two.

This turned out to be a good move because I ended up sorting through my frustration by reworking what I had already written to come closer matching how I envisioned it in my head. Though it's not fully to the place where I want it, I at least got it to a decent state considering that I'm speed writing through the first draft.

If I would have taken time off before working this out, I may have been too lost upon return to even want to do anything about it. Yesterday, when I woke up, I was excited to get back on it but of course, I had to work through my daily obligations first. All of that went swimmingly but by the time that the sun went down and I sat down to switch gears and write fiction, my mind and body had other plans.

Though mentally, I was bracing myself to stay up and write all night, it was only 9:30 in the PM when I experienced a physical boycott to where I had no choice but to lie down and get some rest. Not to worry, this bout of exhaustion wasn't accompanied by a sense of illness but instead felt like it was fully due to the burnout mentioned above.

Hopefully, that was enough of a reset to get me through the rest of the month and I'll be able to make up for the missing words within the next couple of days. That shouldn't really be a problem because, thanks to a blend of mental disorders, I'm good at obsessing over goals and sticking to them until they are done... or at least get to the point where they become hopeless.

The fact that I got up extra early today should be pretty helpful. We'll see how helpful it turns out to be when I check in with my update tomorrow. Until then, it's time to get to my SNL review before moving on to NaNoWriMo.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. If you are reading this and playing along with this year's NaNoWriMo feel free to add fubunker as your writing buddy and I will buddy you back.