Dateline 12-25-2017

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Sorry if yesterday's post came across as a bummer based on the summarized paragraph that's populated when I share my links on social media. The overall attempt was meant to be about my optimism about the upcoming year with my lost but increasing enthusiasm for the season is a sign that I'm ready to be more positive even though I'm not quite there at this particular time.

That said, things played out pretty much exactly how I expected which is why I'm a bit hesitant about jumping in with both feet. The thing with holidays with my family is there are two alpha moms, my oldest sister, and my mother who both have high expectations for an idealized celebration of the season, while the rest of the group is just happy to be together.

That's not to say that there is anything wrong with either point of view but it does often lead to an explosive situation to where there are there are two people stressed out about having to do all of the work while everyone else just hangs out and reap the benefits. Inevitably, something always comes up where this off-balanced approach leads an intense moment when the laid-back crew, which includes myself, doesn't help out with the same enthusiasm if we even help out at all.

I fully understand how we are the ones that are the jerks for not carrying our weight but at the same time, I can only speak for myself, I don't have the same connection to the traditions that they're trying to hang on to, which, unfortunately in my family is that the women do all of the work and tell the children and the men to have fun and relax creating resentment on one side and confusion on the other when we don't even know how to be pre-emptively involved.

The weird thing is that this expectation of gender division comes from the two females because they know that if everyone was forced to put in the work, we'd be eating chips and salsa until we're full while watching TV and laying around but at least we'd be laying around as a family.

At least that's my take since I don't like ordeals and would much rather hang out with my family without there having to be an event. I think this is what bums me out about the holidays because I would rather spend real time with people rather than sneak in conversation with people who are too busy to really listen.

Unfortunately, it now seems that at least with my family, there is no more hanging out unless there is a special occasion making this type of interaction the new normal way to hand out, which is the main thing that bums me out.

Oh well, it's all said and done, so now it's time for me to publish this post so that I can move on to publish today's SNL review so that I can crawl into bed and call it a day. As always, I'll check in tomorrow with yet another update. Until then, it's now time to say goodnight and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker