Dateline 12-3-2017

Last night I had a dream that I was back to my old self and was up in Seattle visiting old friends who were back to their old selves as well. At least, we all managed to suppress any issues and just had fun like we had in the old days. Though I had a blast while the dream was actually happening I woke feeling extra sad because dreams like this may be my only connection to these people and those times from here on out.

I know that this dream was brought upon by all of the fictional work that I've been working on lately. I just finished this year's NaNoWriMo writing challenge where the end result/reward is the first draft of a novel. Right before the challenge, I also completed the second draft of another novel that I wrote several years ago.

Since even the most fantastical of my work has an autobiographical tone, I can see how this stirs up memories of the past. The fact that I'm currently taking a couple day break from fictional writing must have opened my dream world to process these thoughts from the past since the writing outlet is no longer there.

Thankfully, I'm at a better place where I can now handle these types of feelings because if I would have experienced this dream either this time last year or the year before I might have fallen apart. Now, I'm just going to be bummed for a couple days the same exact way that I've felt in the past when completing other heartfelt drafts in the past.

As for today, my plan is to take yet another day to do the bare minimum to meet all of my goals so that I will be well rested tomorrow when I start the polish draft of the novel that I plan to share on New Year's Day. As always, I'll be back tomorrow with another update on my progress. Until then, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker