Dateline 2-14-2017
/I feel like we are long overdue for a major event to either unite us and or distract us from what is really going on. It feels like the election built up a lot of tension that got all the citizens worked up and though there still a lot of griping about the outcome, I can already see the political posts on social media start to fade.
The Trump supporters seem to have gone completely silent. Everyone else seems to have reverted to sharing satirical sites that do nothing more than point out the problems and move on to the next joke. It's either that or they post the same fear based crazy talk that the Republicans used during the Obama years. My problem is not that these people have a problem but it's that they use the same exact tactics of the people they claim to despise.
Don't get me wrong, I love that politicians are getting scrutinized but all the personal attacks and propaganda allows for legitimate complaints to blend into the background noise. If anything this technique can take someone who is on the fence to turn a blind eye toward policy issues when everything feels like it's nothing more than flak.
Sorry, my point is to complain about political activism techniques but even though I think it's great that this Trump presidency has lit a fire under many people's asses, I'm sure it's pushing more and more people away from following the news or at least sharing their opinion to avoid unnecessary confrontation when all they want to do is live their life in this free country that full of rules.
Things are still pretty active now but things are still pretty new. I can see a future that is near where the die-hard fans of political sports fans continue to fight over their teams while the bulk of the citizens fall back into their personal problems waiting for the next big game. Rather than waiting for the next election to shine, I can see another big event going down to draw everyone back in the game.
Sorry for getting political again but this was what was on my mind this morning when I sat down to write. You try to come up with something to say every day for three years without ever leaving your room.
Oh well, there you have it. I'll try to be more fun tomorrow.
Talk to you then,
The Wicker Breaker