Dateline 2-5-2017
/Well, it's Super Bowl Sunday and even though this is the first season that I have not even paid attention to a single game, I'm still going to take advantage of the day by getting drunk and chowing down on snack as I wait for the commercials and hope to see a spectacle during the half time show.
I was never really a fan of watching most team sports because there is a narcissistic aspect of my make-up that just can't connect to a victory that really doesn't include me. There were a couple years when I was into trading cards and gambling where I really got into football but that was when it was about my own profiting so I had a reason to cheer.
Hell, it wasn't until I saw a meme posted on Facebook just last night that I figured out who was playing today. As I said, I am going to take advantage of the event to tune it to see if I can catch any pop culture references while enjoying fists full of chips and beer.
Good thing it's the weekend and I'm caught up on my work because I'm going to enjoy the excuse to take a break. I doubt anything worth mentioning will happen but I'll be here tomorrow to check in if it does.
Talk to you then,
The Wicker Breaker