Dateline 3-4-2017

Alright, I am feeling much better today, I wouldn't say that I'm feeling 100% better but at least I can now sit at my computer without feeling like I'm about to die. I spent all day in bed yesterday, only getting up to move to the couch to lay for a spell in order to relieve some of the pressure point pains that come from not moving for hours. 

Looking at my fit bit stats, they show that I slept for 20 of the past 36 hours. I was surprised that even after all the sleep I woke up in the morning still feeling exhausted. Now I've been awake for a handful of hours and am finally feeling the extra energy from having suck a long slumber.

I still feel a twinge of pain in my stomach that feels like it stems from an illness. I do have the energy for my day to day things but this weekend's going to be void of extracurricular activities.

Now it's time to get through the rest of my obligations so I can relax for the rest of the day. As always, I'll check in tomorrow with another daily update.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker