Dateline 3-6-2017

Alright, it's Monday!!! Time to get to work... okay, the Monday part sucks, I don't really know why though because there is no difference between Monday and Friday to me as every day is the exact same to me anymore but I am still mentally conditioned to goes a bit easier over the weekend making Monday a ramp up to regularity day which I guess is the answer as to why I still have unfavorable feelings toward the start of the week.

Though I am excited to start this week, I really feel like I'm struggling to start the day. I think part of the problem is that I was sick this weekend so I did the bare minimum to get by. I spent a majority of Friday and Saturday sleeping in bed and then spent most of Sunday recovering from so much slumber. This set me on an extremely casual pace so it's still hard for me to muster up the energy to get going when I just want to jump back into bed.

Lucky for me, my life is pointless and a bulk of my daily stressors have to deal with achieving my own personal goals and both my successes and failures go unnoticed. So, today will be a day filled with Saturday Night Live and learning as I wait for a week or two for the position to open at the place where I was unofficially hired.

Hopefully, I'll get officially hired really soon because the lack of a steady income has been the most stressful thing since my last contracted job expired. Though I still make money here and there, I have no official payday at this point which always sits there in the back of my mind even on days where money is just not an issue.

Oh well, the end of this financial drought is about to end even though it will just be a trickle of income. I'll just be happy to be back to a place where I can always at least afford one thing at The Dollar Tree which isn't too much to ask for.

Now it's time to get to work and as always I'll check in tomorrow.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker