Dateline 9-27-2017
/Today, being the day that the nine to fivers would call the hump day, marks the midpoint of what's already been a very successful week. For the last two days, I've been getting up super early, finishing a lot of my work when I'd normally still be asleep. Though this is a schedule I'd love to stick to, it's more important that during these days, I've managed to work out a major productivity tweak to where I'm back to writing fiction no matter the time of day.
As I've said in the past, it took me a while to get comfortable writing these blog posts during the day but up until now, I preferred to wait until the sun went down to really dig into fiction. I think this is due to the fact that the blog posts are non-fiction where I'm sharing experiences that are fresh in my mind as opposed to fiction where I have to use my imagination to come up with something to write about.
Up until Monday, I wouldn't even attempt to start on my rewrite duties until at least dawn with the darkening sky as a cue that it's getting to the point where it's my time to shine. I think it might help that this is a rewrite to where I have content to reference to trigger idea rather than having to come up with something brand new.
I still don't know whether or not I'd be over this daytime writing hang-up if the content I am writing is both fictional and brand new but lucky for me, I have so much rewriting to do, it's going to take me at least a couple of years to figure out if this is an issue. That's not to say that I've given up on writing new fictional content but if I were to start something new it would be a night time task being that I'd be working on this blog and rewrites during the day.
I don't think this will be a problem though because I have so much on my plate that needs to be done before I can even think about moving on to another project anytime soon and I am totally okay with that.
Alright, enough talking about my schedule as it is time to get to work. As always, I'll check in tomorrow with another update about what's going on with me.
Talk to you then.
The Wicker Breaker