Operation Achieve Anything: Day Seven, Dateline 1-7-2018

There are two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness.
— Franz Kafka

Yesterday, I felt a little guilty that I would be putting in a bare minimum day in order to take a quick refreshing break to decompress after a night out with my cousin and friend. I didn't even do any drinking since I feel like I slightly broke myself on New Year's Eve and am just over the whole hangover thing. The primary source of my exhaustion was interacting in general which was followed by a horrible night's sleep on the couch.

I still had fun, but as someone whose powers of the introverted are growing stronger, I needed to do as all of the articles say and recharge my energy. Though I didn't neglect anything that HAD to be done, I did do the bare minimum and then went on to relax the rest of my day away. 

Luckily, the only task that I had to do for my Operation Achieve Anything assignment was to create a list of achievable things that need to be done to run alongside my list of dream tasks that may be too grandiose to achieve in this lifetime. All I had to do was make the list; it even noted in the instructions that there was no need to start a single task.

So with that, here's what I managed to come up with:

  • Finish other my other blog tasks for the day. (completed)
  • Clean my room. (Did a tiny bit of tidying.)
  • Watch at least one movie. (Nope)
  • Finish The Self-Publishing Project page. (Still a work in progress.)
  • Buy real groceries. (Continued to scrape by on what I already own.)
  • Make bed. (Unfortunate nope.)
  • Put all of the Christmas shit away. (Got about halfway done.)

Again, the assignment didn't say that I had to work on any of these which is why I don't feel guilty for only tinkering instead of really digging in. It turns out; I was better off not doing anything since today's assignment is actually to tackle one of the tasks on the lists.

I don't know if I'm going to learn the lesson that the book of achieving is aiming to teach since the experience is supposed to show the difference between planning and doing and why you shouldn't put things off.

Meanwhile, if the book didn’t note yesterday that I didn't have to do anything on the list, I would have gotten started on more items last night. Instead, I was rewarded for my procrastination since my half-assed efforts from yesterday means that I could put in another half-assed day to make today's assignment one entire success. 

I know for sure that I won't be able to finish the entire list by the end of today, but I should be able to get to more than half of the items which will lead to a nice start to next week. We'll see what I end up getting to and of course, I'll let you know what that ends up being when I check in with tomorrow's update. Until then, it's that time that I say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.