Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Twenty-Nine, Dateline 11-25-2018

Regret for wasted time is more wasted time.
— Mason Cooley

Good afternoon crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-twenty-nine of Operation Achieve Anything. I think that I ended up sleeping too much over the past couple of days that all I want to do is sleep even more. Thankfully, it’s Sunday meaning that I can work at my weekend pace without beating myself up for being unproductive. It’s also the day that we’re celebrating my little nephews birthday so I’m going to rush to get everything done so I can head inside to hang out.

With that, I’m going to jump right into yesterday’s assignment where I was supposed to share how well I am at managing my time. Though others may disagree with what I do with the hours that make up my day, considering the fact that I prioritize my personal projects over any paid activities, I’m pretty proud of how I handle my time management. Whether I’m working full time I’m not, I’ve always somehow managed to fit in all that I want to do on any given day. Even when I do end up having to rush, I almost always get to what I set out to accomplish.

As part of the assignment, I also had to answer these three questions below:

  1. Are You in control of your Time? Yes, ever since I switched things up to where I now work part-time from home, I now feel almost one-hundred percent in control of my own time schedule. Though there may be specific days where I need to complete specific tasks, for the most part, I have full control over the time frame of when I want to work.

  2. Do you spend your time wisely? Being that I am able to stick to my schedule and have yet to miss a deadline for this blog or any other freelance work, I’d say that I’m pretty efficient with my time management efforts.

  3. Who or what gets the majority of your time? This blog and my writing, in general, gets a majority of my time and attention. This is what I want to do for a living, so this is what gets the bulk of my attention.

Sorry if I seem uninspired, but that’s just all that I have in me for this assignment. I don’t feel that time management has ever really been an issue to me, so I don’t have all that much to say on the subject. With that, I’m going to shift gear and dig into the assignment for today where I’m supposed to attempt to stop wasting so much time. We’ll see how that turns out, considering part of the plan for the day is to go to a video arcade for my nephew's birthday, where wasting time is the entire point of the party. Oh well, I’ll let you know how things turn out when I check in with tomorrow’s update. Until then, it’s now that time for me to sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.