Operation Achieve Anything: Day Forty-Nine, Dateline 2-18-2018

Those whom you can make like themselves will, I promise you, like you very well.
— Lord Chesterfield

Well Crickets, today is number forty-nine of Operation Achieve Anything, making it a full seven weeks since I started this project. Though there have been a few ups and downs, I have yet to lose my interested in seeing what each new day will bring. Even when I disagree with a lesson or find an assignment to be annoying, I’m still really enjoying having the Achieve Anything… book to provide some direction for these Daily Breaker posts.

Unfortunately, the latest focus seems to be working on my relationship with others, no it’s not unfortunate because it goes against my newly developed shut-in ways but because this theme of tasks started right when I landed a paid gig, leaving me locked in my room, interacting with even fewer people than usual.

Fortunately, yesterday’s assignment who a quick break from the relationship theme in that the book wanted me to examine my life choices to determine if the rewards are worth my efforts. That not to say that I’m supposed to examine my actions with success being equated to financial profit but whether or not there is actual value in what I am trying to do.

This might be the most important lesson so far, in that, if I can truly accept that I’m making the right steps towards achieving my dreams, I may be able to speed up the process of both feeling fulfilled personally while successfully earning an income as well. The choice that I’m talking about is my decision to give up on a normal life in order to focus on my writing.

Yes, I’m getting in a lot of practice through this blog but, I won’t feel accomplished until I get further along with my novels. The problem is, I’m still living with the doubts of, what if I never make another dime from my writing? This gets me thinking of backup plans instead of buckling in and getting down to work.

Right now, I feel fully committed to struggling through life in order to meet my writing goal of adapted a bulk of my twenty plus feature-length screenplays into a series of interconnected novels. If successful, my hopes are that this series of tales will earn me enough to scrape by on my own in some small town in the middle of nowhere, or at least leave a body of work to potentially be discovered so that my stories will live on after I die.

Though I’m fully prepared to put in this effort even at the risk of absolutely zero pay-offs, I can’t get that nagging feeling out of my head about how others must see this approach to life as a pathetic attempt with all roads leading to failure. I mean I have been at this for over twenty years and haven’t gotten all that far despite all of my efforts. Then again, I always had the chains of normalcy and nine to five living keeping me from fully committing to my dreams.

I have to get over this, what if it never happens fear that’s always been in the back of my head, even when going through the fake it until you make it motions where I truly feel that I’m putting my lack of money where my mouth is, while actually only giving around ninety-five percent. I just need to work on that final five percent since I really have no plans on ever giving up. So, yes, as far as the assignment is concerned, I do find value in my decision to fail for a while until I figure out how to win.

For today’s assignment, the book is back to the developing relationships theme with another recycled assignment where I’m just supposed to keep on keeping on in putting in an effort to help people to remember to like themselves while carrying out conversations. Again, I don’t know how I’m going to fit this in considering that I have about three hours worth of blogging to followed by a full eight hour day of work which means, I probably won’t leave my room.

Oh well, it’s still super early and there’s still plenty of time for surprises to go down to where I may accidentally fulfill at least the idea of the assignment. Of course, I’ll let you know how things turn out when I check in with tomorrow’s update. Until then, it’s now that time where I close this out with my traditional sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.