Operation Achieve Anything: Day Thirty-Five, Dateline 2-4-2018

You can observe a lot just by watching.
— Yogi Berra

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Crickets!!! Once again it’s time for me to share my latest adventures with Operation Achieve Anything where it’s officially the end of week number five. If you’ve been following along at home then you’re probably aware that I haven’t been all that enthusiastic about the past couple assignments but I’ve still been giving it my all.

I’m kind of excited about today’s update because yesterday’s assignment solidified my understanding as to why I’ve felt so let down by the last handful of tasks. Even though the actual lesson felt recycle/cliché based on past assignments and pre-established self-help concepts, the task itself had a solid sense of direction.

Instead of a vague call to action like, take your notebook and have some fun, this task was very specific in that it not only asked me to track down three of my favorite quotes but it also asked me to share how these quotes make me feel. Even though I’m not fully sure how this is supposed to help me achieve my ultimate goal, the specific help me feel like I’m accomplishing something and not just filling some time.

Once again, I was already aware of this quote concept going into the lesson and even implemented it as part of my 365 Days Of Resolution where once a day for an entire year I drew a brand new picture of the infamous Predator Penguin along with a quote of the day. Here are my three favorites from that collection along with how these quotes make me feel.

  1. “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” –Winston Churchill. This is one of my all-time favorite quotes and it’s kept me going for so many years with the hopes that the day that I finally get a taste of success, I’ll be able to revisit my failed projects from the past and get them to the point where they are successful as well.

  2. “I never really saw myself as depressed so much as paralyzed by hope.” – Maria Bamford. Once again, I really relate to this one because as much as I might come across as a pessimist, I feel that my cynical attitude is often an attempt to keep myself in check so that I don’t get swept up into a manic mode of optimism.

  3. If you’re creating anything at all, it’s really dangerous to care about what people think.” –Kristen Wiig. I relate to this one especially as a person who fancies himself to be a more experimental writer who doesn’t want to be understood by all.

I’m also excited about today’s assignment because of how it perfectly plays into the fact that today is Super Bowl Sunday.  Since I haven’t watched a single game this year and have zero interest in sports, in general, it will make it easy for me to pretend like I’m new to the world in order share my insights on the event as if it were completely foreign.

Again, I love how this assignment has a clear-cut task that I’m already excited to share as part of tomorrow’s update. With that said, it’s now that time for me to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.