Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Eighteen, Dateline 4-28-2018

A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
— Edgar J. Mohn

Good morning Crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-eighteen of Operation Achieve Anything. It’s Saturday so this one’s going be quick so I can get to enjoying my day off as opposed to my quick posts from a couple of days ago when I was just getting annoyed with the Achieve Anything… book. No, right now I’m actually pretty fine with the current theme the book is hung up on even though it’s on the topic of endurance which is an issue that I’m well aware of.

Not only that but I’m also pretty excited right now because I’m in the middle of the hiring process of a somewhat-stable work-from-home job. Granted, I still have to wait for the results of a qualifying test but I have a pretty good feeling about this one. This job would mean that I’d be working at least four hours a day with optional work on the weekend. This would be the perfect amount of work that would allow me to live with a bit more dignity than only making enough to scrape by while I continue to try and solve the puzzle required to live my dreams.

This actually plays well into yesterday’s assignment that focused on endurance and practice. Though I just said that I don’t mind the book’s focus on endurance, I still don’t have all that much new to add since I’ve already covered the fact that I’ve been chasing the same dream of over twenty years and though I’ve had to shift gears over the years, I’ve never really thought to give up.

As far as how practice fitting in with endurance, that’s the entire reason that I started this blog. During my last shift in gears when I realized after twenty years of failure that maybe screenwriting just wasn’t my thing, I started this page in order to practice a new style of writing and break free from the limitations that screenwriting brings. I’ve since learned that I love being able to write more than just what can be seen on the screen without having to deal with the concerns of appeasing investors who are driven by the profits and not the art.

I have to admit, when I first made the switch, I was a bit discouraged because it really felt like I was starting from scratch. Now that I’ve been blogging daily for about half a decade, I feel that I’ve made more progress in my writing in general, to where I still feel like I’ve got a quite a way to go but I feel like I have better than a Lotto tickets chance to get to where I want to be.

Even at the height of my screenwriting dreams, success felt like it was both right next door while being light-years away at the exact same time. Meaning, I felt like I was making major improvements when it comes to the craft and just felt like I just needed to get the right script into the right hands and it was off to the races but as an introvert with no business interest, I felt completely lost in an industry that’s all about selling lies.

Though I do now feel like I’ll have to hustle more on my own as someone who wants to write for the screen or the page, I feel much better having full control of my final products, which, as a writer only, I would have never gotten in film. So, I personally feel that my practice is paying off and am back to having hopes for my future.

So, that’s what I’ve got for yesterday’s task, as far as today’s goes, this is going to be a fun one because once again, the book’s assigned me to draw! I always love when the book throws in art because drawing is something that I love to do but it’s a late in life hobby that I often neglect because I’m too busy with my ramblings.

Speaking of ramblings, this quick post when on rather long, which is usually what happens when I make this warning. Now that I’ve shared what I needed to say, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow to see my next masterpiece and how else I handle today’s task at hand. Until then, it’s now that time for me to sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.