Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Fifty-Two, Dateline 6-1-2018

Wait a minute. Maybe I can do anything.
— Janis Joplin

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-fifty-two of Operation Achieve Anything. Alright, it’s Friday, meaning we are almost done with this shitty week. Actually, aside from all of the work issues this week didn’t turn out all that bad. With the system that deals out our tasks kept going up and down, I found my self constantly waiting and since these outages weren’t all that long, I couldn’t really work on any of my bigger projects during the downtime so I found myself tidying up little areas of my blog only to find myself in a bit of a major overhaul.

I’ve been meaning to do this for quite some time and now that I’ve started, I’m very excited about the process and now feel extremely inspired to not only update the entire blog but I figured out a way to add more of my pre-blogging content in order to finally shit and stop hanging out on the pot. I keep saying how someday I plan to self-publish my novels and make them available for free. Up until now, I keep telling myself that I need to wait until I could afford the help that I need, like an editor, illustrator, someone who knows how to layout an e-book and so-on and so-on and so-on.

At this rate, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to afford these things so I’m now thinking, forget official self-publishing, why not publish everything here for free. I could add a note that these would be drafts and not the finished product and any input would be appreciated. Granted, I would go through each piece for another polishing draft before I made anything available but I’m sure there’ll still be plenty of flaws, but at least this will allow my work to see the light of day.

Granted, this process is probably going to take months if not years, but I’m not afraid of the work required, in fact, this idea has given me a new energy. This actually unintentionally plays into yesterday’s assignment where I was supposed to explore the Achieve Anything… book’s lesson about how you can’t wait for inspiration but have to chase it with a club.

At first, I was going to talk about how I’ve been writing almost daily for twenty years and literally daily ever since I started this blog and how I’ve got this concept nailed down, considering how there have been many days where I didn’t even want to get out of bed, let alone attempt to create content but at the same time I never dropped the ball.

This daily writing provides an example of how inspiration does need to be tracked down with a club but then again, the website overhaul is an example of how inspiration can also be magical because I might have put it off for another year if I wasn’t so bored which got me tinkering around only to kill time, I wouldn’t have ended up accidentally inspired and would have forced myself into being inspired enough to start some other small task at hand.

Either way, I’m already on top of the topic of the lesson behind yesterday’s task, which actually transitions perfectly into today’s assignment where I’m supposed to take this inspiration that I was supposed to hunt down and let my ego take over for the day in order to really go after my goals. I unintentionally started this task when I did find my inspiration. That’s fine because the actual task is to write down my new game plan.

I already shared the basics to my plan in the intro but I will be delving deeper into the overall idea when I check in with tomorrow’s update. Until then, it’s time to wrap this thing up in order to get to work. With that, I will now sign off as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.