Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Ninety-Five, Dateline 7-14-2018

There seemed to be endless obstacles... it seemed that the root cause of them all was fear.
— Joanna Field

Good morning Crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-ninety-five of Operation Achieve Anything. Thank god it's Saturday because my day job is about to make me lose my fucking mind. I know, that's what day jobs are supposed to do when you're a creative person, but right now, I almost feel like I'm in the middle of a social experiment doing nothing of value to the world but test how far an anonymous employee can push a cog in their virtual machine.

I've mentioned this before but it should be the simplest job in the world only the inconsistent feedback to our often subjective task is enough to drive anyone out of their mind. All that I have to do is verify the accuracy and quality of the results of searches done on Facebook. There's a strict list of rules to follow to come up with three grades for each result, only no one with any power seems to agree on how to interpret these rules.

This is terrifying considering that fact that I'm freelance and can be fired for any reason at all and an accuracy range that should be easy to achieve if the people in charge didn't have their heads so far up their ass. We get audited daily by a handful of people who all have different views on how to interpret the rules leading us to not only have to worry about satisfying the established rules on the list but then you have to do some tweaking to not get dinged by these idiots.

To make things worse, you'll be working while using a line of logic that seems to work for a couple of days. The audits all come back with reasonable feedback leading me to think that I've got it all figured out and could easily work this job for the rest of my life. Then out of the blue, it seems like a new auditor will join the team and have a whole different set of rules.

Most of the time they'll get a bug up their ass about some rule that I disagreed with for weeks and now they side with my original point of view. If that wasn't bad enough, they then explain the change as if we're a bunch of idiots referring to the list as the Golden Rule. Meanwhile, that list of rules hasn't changed for at least two months, yet the change in what the auditors want can change daily on a whim.

The stress then continues to grow because it takes them two to five days to reply to any question and more than once, the confusion only gets worse when the next level up from the auditor chimes in and lets us grunts know that we were right all along. So, it's impossible to trust the auditors, and their bosses do little to help. It almost feels like they have the auditor switch things up on purpose to highlight that they are actually doing their work by meeting a daily quota that's being fudged at our expense.

Sometimes I wonder if they through in these obstacles in order to keep us all on our two as opposed to easing into a comfort zone where issues can slip by because the job is just that simple. This all actually plays into yesterday's assignment where I was supposed to journal about the idea that a road with no obstacles is a boring one. 

I feel this is a bullshit thing to sell for reasons mentioned above. Intentional obstacles as a way to switch things up is why this world is so fucked. Just think about it. The exciting thing about obstacles is how you manage to get around them, meanwhile, absolutely nothing is getting fixed. No one wants a boring life some of us do want to live in comfort without always having to deal with fight or flight.

I also love this bullshit about how the more obstacles we live through the bigger the reward. Tell that to me when my back finally heals up and I have nothing rewarding to show for it but a backlog of work that I have to recheck and all the time that was lost while I was healing in bed. Or tell me how fun hurdles are when I'm dead from some aspect of one of my mental disorders and I'm buried all alone without any friends.

I get it, there are obstacles that leave you feeling triumphant, but right now, I'm just not in a place where I'm even open to the idea that an obstacle-filled life is ideal because, if that were the case, I should be up there as one of the most successful people in the world along with many other suffering people who just can't bear to see yet another trench to get around, instead of the people up there who are creating these obstacles.

Today's assignment is more of the same about obstacles and some bullshit about how it's just my fear that has me stuck where I am. Yeah, this could be partially true but it's not the 100% reason for my lifelong failure as the book seems to claim. Sorry for being so negative but with so many obstacles in my life right now that don't even have the potential to lead to a reward, I'm not in the mood to hear how I should be seeing these problems as a benefit.

Hopefully, I'll be in a better mood after I get some rest on my day off before I check in with tomorrow's update, and with this new graveyard approach to working, I have all of my day, after waking, off in order to do what I want. We'll see what ends up happening but either way, it's now time for me to sign off by saying good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.