The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-19-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of another day… where I’m still enjoying the jalapeno… habanero… dill… basil… green onion and cream cheese dip from Chili Day… and still trying not to be an Eeyore in honor of Winnie The Pooh Day… while dipping popcorn into the before mention dip to celebrate Popcorn Day… which is the latest day to be celebrated…

Last night… I got to try a new med to treat the buzzing sensation that I feel in my left ear… it’s a pill called Pamelor… which is mainly meant to treat depression as well as other mood conditions like … ADHD and anxiety… I find this interesting since ever since my sinus surgery… about 60% of the buzzing went away… and my mood hasn’t been better in years…

I think it’s too soon to tell if this pill will take care of the remaining 40% of the buzzing… but I find this ear connection to anxiety and depression to be pretty interesting… it leads me to wonder if the pill does take care of the rest of the buzzing and my mood improves… with it be the relief from the issue to credit… or will it be the pill’s antidepressant qualities… I’d be as please as punch if it turned out to be both… to finally get me fully out of this funk…and get back to feeling more fun while I create this content…

Not that I’m not having fun now… in fact… this blogging is the best part of my day… it would just be more fun if I were to be more satisfied with life in general… alright… it’s time to take these meds and see how I feel in the morning… I look forward to sharing more when I check-in tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker