The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-24-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

As I said yesterday… this post might be a little rushed… because… last night… I drank for the first time since New Year’s and it turns out… mixing booze with my current pills makes me sleep all day… and leaves me feeling exhausted… not sick… just tired… so I think that I am going to get a great night’s sleep and then hit it hard tomorrow…

What “it” is… I have no idea… but I also plan to start using my exercise bike and focus more on my diet as part of the fact that it’s “Take Back Your Time Week” according to the 365 Days Of Marketing book that I’m using as the framework for my 365 Days Of Marketing And Me challenge… since I’m no longer devoting so much time into the behind the scenes work… now that the challenge has started… and since I need to take back my time that I commit to my projects to reallocate towards my health if I really want to attempt the plan that I have for the next twenty years…

Alright… I’m starting to feel too high to write any more… so I’m going to sign out for the night but… as always… I guarantee that I’ll be back tomorrow for another update… and I look forward to talking to you then…


The Wicker Breaker