Dateline 2-23-2014
/Last night depression hit from out of the blue and hit pretty hard. I'm used to it creeping up on me, but yesterday I woke up feeling fine and then BAM, I was just paralyzed with doubt. For about two hours I didn't nothing but stare at my computer monitor listening to songs that feed into these feeling of loss that I'm feeling.
I started doing this project so that I would have something that I enjoy to be accountable for on a daily basis in hopes that when these moments do hit they won't last long. We'll see how well that theory works.
Right now this is the only stable thing I have in my life. The group of friends that I hang out with are going through a phase where there is no longer a guarantee of weekend hang outs, I'm in the process of transitioning out of the filmmaking career that was once a driving force in my life, I haven't had more than 20 dollars to my name in over two months, and the reality of the day job that's going to replace my dream job is sinking in, and to top it off I don't even have anyone that I fantasize about being in a relationship with, let alone anyone I feel close to in reality. I feel I have no one to turn to other than this blinking cursor that never answers back.
I appreciate in advance anyone who stumbles upon this conversation I am having with said blinking cursor and offers to be that person I can turn to. It's a nice offer, but I know me and other than my appreciation for the offer I will only burden you with my problems through text on a page.
That said I'm going to go easy on myself today, and fulfill the daily resolutions and then have a movie marathon of AFI 100 movies to round out the day.
Thanks for the read if you've gotten this far.
Now for the plan:
Failed :(
I will get some knitting in.
I just need to figure out how to knit the last row, then I'm done.
School Break.
Done until April.
I'm still eating from the bucket holding off on posting the next meal update.
Read, Favorite, Retweet interesting articles.
Back burner.
I will knit see #2.
Once I finish learning how to knit the last row I will post an update here.
I'll post this update tomorrow.
Drinking it.
post * when done.
Not today.
Back burner.
No new reviews to report.
Waiting until Tuesday
Not today.
As needed.
As needed.
As needed.
When inspired.
I'll read when I am done posting this.
Continue reading The Shroud of the Thwacker.
Not today.
You're reading it.
Continue to post updates throughout the day.
I will write my end of the day short story.
Write a short story at the end of the day and share it.
Not today.
I will appreciate classical music as I read.
I will appreciate, and but will not add a new mnemonic in order to learn: "Requiem," For a "Mozart", How "Matthaus Passion" Got His Groove "Bach", "Beethoven" Loves Mambo... I Mean "Piano Concerto Number 5", The "Wolfgang" was surprised to find they actually enjoyed the "Klairenetten Konzert", Livin' La "Vivadali" "Le Quarttro Stagioni" Loco, and "Pachebel" used a "Kanon" to shoot his "In D" film, How "Matthaus Passion" Got His Groove "Bach" II Electric Boogaloo, Ladies and Gentlemen I give you "Antonin Dvorak" and his "New World" Order "Symphony"!!!, Oh no "Rachmaninoff" made a "Piano Concerto 2" (think too.)
I will wear my watch if I leave the house which is doubtful.
No Dutch today.
I will continue to sleep with no TV.
I might watch The Muppet Show today.
Post findings from last night's viewing.
No focus, just go!
Not today.
I won't smoke today.
I woke up before noon thirty!!!
I will continue to practice meditation.
Post findings if any.
I'll do this right before I go to bed and post my findings tomorrow.
Now I wait for the results of the background check.
Done for the week.
I will go easy on myself :)
I will share the first draft of my novel with whoever sends me an email stating they are interested.
I will work on adapting the pilot episode of Apartment Infinity soon, but still not today.
Get started on watching the AFI 100 Greatest Movies list.
Post finding on Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Watch #97 Blade Runner.
Done!!! I Will post my findings tomorrow.
Watch #96 Do The Right Thing.
Done!!! I'll poster my findings tomorrow.
Once I get my first paycheck I will get this indoor garden started.
I will get started on this once I can afford some duct tape.
I'm sure I'll be working on these puzzle books as a distraction throughout the day.
Post done when done.
Done!!! I completed at least one puzzle from each book. I'm going to do more but I met my minimum for the day so I'm checking it off the list.
Waiting until I can afford chicken :)