Dateline 2-9-2014
/Today it the big day the I will be watching Southland Tales for the 52nd time. This will be my final viewing to complete last years challenge to watch the movie once a week for an entire year, then write a review, based on that viewing. I'll still have to write the finally review, but today I will be completing the viewing aspect of the challenge!
Between this and the fact that I should be done with my first novel within the next couple days I'm very excited about the closure that is completion that is within reach.
That said today's workload will be geared toward these two projects.
Wish me luck.
Failed :(
Not today, since I will be taking my break by going to a friends house to watch Southland Tales.
School break.
Done until April.
I'm continuing to eat from the bucket, nothing post worthy.
Reading, Favoriting, Retweeting interesting posts.
I'm on a great pace to finish this within a couple days.
Write tonight post my word count when I'm done.
Done!!! Will post my word count when I'm done done!!!
Back burner.
This viewing is happening today.
Post outcome.
Done!!! I'll post about it tomorrow.
Not today.
Drinking bottle 1.
Drink bottle 2 post * when done.
Back burner.
Back burner.
No new review to report.
Done until Tuesday.
As needed.
As needed.
As needed.
When inspired.
I will read when I'm done posting this.
Continue reading The Shroud of the Thwacker.
Not today.
You're reading it.
Post updates.
Done, Good Night!!!
On going.
Will write my end of the day short story.
Write and post short story at the end of the day.
Not today.
I will listen as I read.
I'm going to hold off on adding a new mnemonic as I let "Requiem" for a "Mozart", How "Matthaus Passion" got his groove "Bach", "Beethoven" Love Mambo... I mean "Piano Concerto number 5", The "Wolfgang" was surprised to find that the enjoyed the "KlairenettenKonzert" and Living La "Vivalidi" "Le Quattro Stagioni" Loco!, "Johann Pachelbel" used a "Canon" to shoot his "in D" film, sink in.
I'll wear my watch when I leave.
Not today.
I will continue to sleep without the television on.
On going.
I might watch a couple episodes.
Post update from yesterday's viewing.
Today’s focus #13 and #10 I know I said focus on 1 but #13 will only take a couple hours then it's complete.