The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-9-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of yet another day… after putting in another full-time job’s day’s worth of work on this site… only to earn a couple of quarters… not that I’m really complaining… well… about the work I’m not… because I do believe that I will payout in the future… it just sucks that I have to wait weeks to see if all this effort is even worth it… since it can take up to two months for this page to be recrawled by the search engine bots… and for all that I know… these twelve-hour days will just bring in an extra quarter a day…

Though I love the tedious task of SEO tweaking… because it’s fun to throw on one of my favorite podcasts and zone out while looking for this site’s flaws… but.. by the time I sit down to write this end of the day post… I’m too exhausted to come up with anything fun to ramble about… and usually have nothing to say but what I’ve been up to which is what 365 Days Of Marketing And Me is supposed to be about…

Eventually… I should get beyond the point of focusing so much on correcting problems from the past… that I’ll be able to focus more of my time creating content… and not just rushing to get something out… but I would rather go through this sloppy phase where I’m still finding my sea legs while my traffic and revenue is low enough that there’s nowhere to go but up… over flipping some switch that would lead to an instant audience while I’m still warming up… and babbling like an idiot…

With all of that said… I will continue to keep it up… whether I ever get past this sloppy phase or not… because I think things will get really fun when I’m back to writing as an OCD ritual… over it being a hobby… and while dementia starts to set in… and I’m finally able to just write to write… without always questioning why… or wondering when it will pay off or if it ever will…

This is more of a prediction than a goal… but to get there… I must wrap this post up… to be able to get to tomorrow… where… as always… I’ll be back with another post that I can’t wait to share… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker