365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Thirteen - 1/13/2021
/One Creative Introverts Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…
Welcome to day thirteen of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… this morning was the end of another 72-hour propagation period in hopes to find the solution to the DNS problems that seem to affect my analytics that’s leading to such low numbers at the bottom of the page… where I haven’t made more than a dollar a day in over a month… which sucks because I was up to around three bucks a day and ten times the amount of daily visitors before the errors set in…
I know that part of the drop off is from the fact that I shortened my URLs… so… when I reached out to support… the first thing I did was blame myself… and now support seems to be stuck on my initial diagnosis and keep claiming that user error is at play after looking back through the notes… despite the fact that I have new evidence that my efforts to optimize my SEO is only a small part of the problem…
As I’ve been going through and adding the proper redirects to correct my mistake… the stats are getting back to normal on most analytics… but are still low on my site’s host’s analytics tools that my advertising service pulls from… I’ve pointed this out time and time again to my hosting service… but… no matter the details I add… I keep getting told that there is no problem on their end…
This afternoon… I decided to say screw it… and restarted everything from scratch… well… at least all of the areas where all of these marketing services connect… it’s getting to the point where I wish I never attempted to monetize this site and was still just posting for fun… but then again… I could really use the $90 a month that my old three dollars a day average that was coming in… because it covers my marijuana cost for the month… at least while I’m still smoking the cheap stuff…
The more I struggle with customer support over these technical issues… the more I realize how much I deal with the same issues when seeking help from anyone for anything… it seems to all start when I blame myself first… because of how it was drummed into my brain that you can only blame yourself for anything… even things that aren’t your fault… since you’re the one who lets an incident affect you…
I kind of get the logic as an adult… but as a kid… the adults who were attempting to teach this lesson didn’t grasp the concept themselves and were more just avoiding the blame… as a child… how is one supposed to accept the blame for a grown adult with no relationship to you does nothing but call you worthless… a grown adult who an enabling guardian chooses to defend over you…
This upbringing can lead one to try to figure it all out on their own feeling that they have nowhere else to turn… and when things do get bad enough to seek out help from others… since outside forces… including illnesses can’t be to blame… one puts it all on themselves and just has to hope that an expert will step in to intervein… only to find that by accepting all of the blame it makes it hard to explain what’s actually going on minus extra details that only seem to add to the confusion on all sides…
This self-imposed guilt over everything makes it hard to get any help at all… tomorrow I have an appointment with a new doctor… after my last doctor had to stop putting in extra time at the clinic to take care of her mom… this was the first doctor who I felt listened past my self blaming and really seemed to work with me to come up with a diagnosis and recovery plan… hopefully I learned to better communicate while working with here…
I’ll keep you posted in my Daily Breaker post when I check in tomorrow night…
Until then… it’s time to dig into today’s assignment…
According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… today is Make Your Dreams Come True Day… I know this might sound like a cheat… but this site itself is a dream come true… in the past… when I wrote films… I needed a director… producers… and an entire film crew to publicly share my work… work that I was always told was imaginative and original but not marketable enough to fund…
Though this site… I’ve been able to publish my own projects completely on my own… granted… I wish I had enough of a budget to hire an editor to fix my dyslexic mistakes… but I’ve always been open about the fact that this page is mainly for practice at this time… and right now… I’m practicing how to monetize the page to maybe one day make another dream come true and bring in enough of an income to start working with hired help… to ease up on the pressure of having to go at everything all alone…
And With That… Here Are The Numbers For The Past Seven Days!!!
(note… I’m just a fan of Ezoic with an affiliate link… they are not an official sponsor…)