365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Forty-Three - 2/12/2021

One Creative Introverts Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number forty-three of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where today I finally decided to create a temporary header image for this project… a task that I was hoping to do before I even started this marketing effort… only my desktop computer’s power supply died before I could get to it… and this laptop is to slow to handle photoshop… but I got tired of seeing the default/unfitted The Wicker Breaker header image… so I downloaded a simple photo editor to slap together what you see at the top of the page…

I’ll create something better as soon as I can afford the replacement parts to get my main machine up and running again… but until then… I’m going to consider this my marketing effort for today… I’m also still going through all of my old My Saturday Night Life posts to delete all of the broken links that used to lead to NBC’s SNL page… where many of the sketches for each episode used to live… but I already covered that topic with yesterday’s marketing task…

I can’t wait to be done with the behind-the-scenes SEO optimization that can’t really be seen… because I do know that there is more to marketing than link health and proper formatting… but… I figure that it’s better to nail down this boring stuff first… so that… by the time I get to the point where I’m going to start optimizing the actual content… I’ll already have the foundation set-up so that my work will be found…

I can’t wait for the day when my desktop computer is working again… because it’s going to be fun to go through and optimize each image… after using my newly discovered Photoshop skills to add a little flair to each picture that I just randomly found on the internet… to customize them enough to make them at least somewhat original…

But… until then… that’s what I’ve got for today’s marketing effort to report on… now let’s see how I handled the assignment from yesterday…

Midpage Ezoic Ad

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Visit A Shut-In Day… where I decided to technically take this one on by revisiting what may have started my own shut-in ways… considering that I’ve been a shut-in long before this Covid-19… I also want to revisit yesterday’s Umbrella Day… because I found this interesting article just moments after publishing my post on the subject…

The article is called The Part of the Brain That Stops Anxiety and How to Use It and the very first paragraph reads… “Parapluie. That's the French word for umbrella. Para means against. Pluie means rain. A parapluie keeps a rainstorm from getting you soaking wet…” which triggered a synchronicity induced chill… a chill that was amplified by the vibration from the exposed nerve in my lower back… which used to make me feel like I was experiencing something magical… back before I knew that these that my back was amplifying these magical thoughts that come with the feeling of synchronicity…

To add to the magic… the article goes on to pretty much explain one of the reasons I opted to isolate after losing my last group of friends… this reason being that detached people like me don’t have a calming face of a parent to keep them calm when things get rough… and goes on to suggest to find someone with a sympathetic face who you know… to think of when things seem out of control… to mentally get you into the same settled state when they are around…

I feel like I was overly attached to my mom when I was a little one… but then… following my parents’ divorce… I lost her to her job where she worked ten hours a day… and then spent all of her free-time making cakes to support the family… which is great… because it led me to always see the strong side of females… but it also happened at an age where I really needed a parent… and that’s when I became unattached… and started to build up wall…

This is probably why I always had groups of friends that I was loosely tethered… while never attaching to anybody one on one… this is definitely why… when my last group of friends started to develop their roots… I felt like I was being left behind once again… since I’ve had this experience with groups multiple times before… and just couldn’t do it any more… which is why I opted to become a shut-in… who kind of wishing that I had a guest on Visit A Shut-In Day… but at least I gave myself extra cuddle time with my dog…

And now that I shared my effort to fulfill yesterday’s task… it’s time to see what’s in store for me today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Satisfied Single Day… which brings to mind the old Bouncing Souls’ song Single Successful Guy… though I am single… I wouldn’t say that I successful… and am even further from feeling satisfied… but… as usual… I’m sure I’ll figure out a way to satisfy myself before I check in tomorrow… ha ha… I said satisfy myself… don’t worry… I don’t think I’ll end up writing about masturbation… but who knows… we’ll have to wait for tomorrow!!!