Resolution #192: Beat Maniac Mansion Using Each Character WITHOUT Using Any Hints!!!

Date: 7-11-2014

Due Date: 7-11-2015

Resolution: Maniac Mansion was one of my favorite games as a kid. It's from a time where gameplay outweighed graphics and this was the closest we had to playing a movie… which back then… seemed like an option that was only available on computer games…

I don't remember the story at all and only remember something about putting a letter in a microwave in order to steam it open to get to a note with a very important clue, which I think is impossible to do unless you've selected one of the few configurations of characters that allow you to be able to beat the game.

For all I know, Maniac Mansion might not hold up at all but I've been interested in revisiting it for quite a while.

Well, now's the time.

Not only will I revisit Maniac Mansion, but I'll also beat it with every character configuration plausible without referring to the internet for hints.


Result #192: Oops, I Assumed I Still Had Plenty Of Time To Complete Maniac Mansion… But… Instead… here we are… with yet another failure… :(


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-11-2015

This is another one of those resolutions where I have a convoluted excuse for why I put it off. Of course, this excuse involves the fact that I moved.

First off, I had an emulator for the game Maniac Mansion on my Xbox. The emulator was on a disk that froze up a lot so I got frustrated and gave up. Then I donated my Xbox when I decided to move.

I thought this would be fine because a friend sent me files to set up an emulator on my computer. I set this up on my laptop and used the emulator a lot in my attempt to beat Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, but I never got around to playing Maniac Mansion because I thought there would be plenty of time.

Then I moved.

The emulator is still on my laptop but my laptop's monitor is busted so I have it hooked up to the Television which is across the room, not in a convenient place to hook up a controller to play the game.

What I need to do is copy the files to set up the emulator on my desktop computer then I'd probably get this resolution done in a couple of days. Unfortunately, I'm out of it and don't have the drive I once had when I started this whole resolution experiment.

As always, I'll get to this someday and when I do, I'll let you know how it turns out.