Resolution #193: Hat To Sock... Underwear To Watchstrap... Design And Make My Own Outfit...

Date: 7-12-2014

Due Date: 7-12-2015

Resolutions: Of all of the resolutions I'm working on, I'm most excited about the ones that challenge me creatively.

Whether I'm learning new knitting techniques, honing my painting skills, training to use proper cooking techniques, learning to draw, sew, garden, animate, use photoshop,  sculpt, etc... it turns out that I love creating things.

Hell, I started this website as a way to have another creative outlet other than screenwriting to placate my overactive imagination.

Being that I'm learning to sketch, and plan to learn to sew I figured I'd combine the two resolutions to see what happens.

Who knows?

Maybe I'll end up being good enough at something to end up on a reality show.


Result #193: I Was Hoping To Succeed At My Resolution To Learn To Sew… So… I Was Unable To Accomplish This Goal… :(


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 7-12-2015

Once again the title says it all and once again I may have been a bit too ambitious to not only believe that I can learn to sew at this old age and instantly move on to fashion design while trying to juggle 365 other tasks.

The funny thing is, I was in a frame of mind that I truly believed I could have done it at the time. I still kind of think if I had the finances to not have to work and afford the cost of all these resolutions I could have pulled it off. Instead, I had to prioritize what I could afford leading to a lot of putting things off. 

Oh well, It's a learning experience.

As always, I'll keep you posted when I finally do get around to doing this.