Resolution #235: Learn To Be Even More Ambidextrous Than I Already Am!!!
/Date: 8-23-2014
Due Date: 8-23-2015
Resolution: Part of me feels that I was supposed to be left-handed. I have a theory that my early wrong handed training led me to become dyslexic.
To this day I don't instinctively know my right from my left. I have to grab at an invisible pencil to first figure out which way is right. I've gotten pretty quick but there's still a process.
I also eat left-handed, snowboard goofy-footed, and can throw a ball with my left hand without looking like a spaz.
I used to know a lot more left-handed tricks when I was younger. This was back when I was more into the anomaly and actually trained to do things with either hand.
When I discovered that I like to write both hands were getting enough action typing. I lost interest in their individuality. I also pretty much stopped doing anything worth experimenting with my hands’ abilities.
Now that this resolution experiment has me doing a lot more work with my hands my interest in testing what my left hand can do has returned.
So, I'm going back into training!!!
Result #235: I’m Still Only Slightly Ambidextrous... Since I Failed To Add To My Super Powers… :(
Update #1: The Conclusion…
Date: 8-23-2015
Other than attempting to draw a couple of pictures left-handed, I failed to practice becoming full time ambidextrous. Unfortunately, I didn't save the photos of said left-handed drawing into the ambidextrous fold and my drawing has improved so much that I can't tell which old drawings are bad because they're old and which ones are bad because I drew them left-handed.
Oh well...
I'm going to passively keep at it and if I make any major progress I will let you know.