Resolution #285: Pay A Friend To Take A Course To Become My Certified Life Coach!!!

Date: 10-12-2014

Due Date: 10-12-2015

The Resolution: I've always been interested in the idea of having a life coach but I've also feared the personality type of a person who would go into life coaching. I don't feel comfortable around people who are always optimistic with high energy and who speak in bumper stickers.

I've tried getting around this by asking a friend to be my life coach but neither of us knew what we were doing which led to no follow-through. These life coaching sessions usually turned out to be nothing more than two friends hanging out talking about a few somewhat more important topics than usual.

I want to give Life Coaching another shot, again with someone I already know, not necessarily a best friend but someone I already feel somewhat comfortable with. I will pay for the online course to get them certified as a life coach. This way at least someone will have an idea of how life coaching works (Note: It's a $65 dollar course so I'm not sure what this certification will get you.)

Once this person is done with the course we'll figure out a schedule to either meet up in person or get together online for our coaching session. 


Result #285: I Failed To Find Anyone Willing To Take The Class To Become My Life Coach…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-12-2015

I genuinely feel that I need someone to intervene in my life to point me in the right direction. Up until now… life has felt like one failed experiment after the next as I flounder to figure it out. I've never been advised on any major decision in my life but I'm also not good a seeking out help.

My biggest fear in life is being a burden. That's why when the few people I had in mind to take the online Life Coaching class hesitated at all I backed off right away. I thought the idea of being my life coach could be fun but I also knew it would be work to do it right, so I understood why there were no enthusiastic yeses.

This led me to eventually give up on the idea altogether.

Maybe someday I'll find someone in this world willing to offer me some guidance and if I do, of course, I'll let you know.