Resolution #319: Run A Mile Without Walking...

Date: 11-15-2014

Due Date: 11-15-2015

The Resolution: Last year a short film I wrote called 487 was produced here in Washington State. It's the story of a man in a lifelong race with no clue where the finish line is.

Ironically, I couldn't tell you the last time I hurried to beat a changing crosswalk signal let alone ran with any fitness in mind. 

I haven't posted many pictures as proof, but some of these other health and fitness resolutions have been working to get me in shape.

I'm still not a big fan of anything that involves leaving the apartment so I'm not sure how I'm going to train for this but by this time next year… I plan to be able to run at least one mile without having to take any walking breaks.


Result #319: I May Have Been Close At The Start Of This Resolution… But Now… I Feel Miles Away From Being Able To Run A Mile Without Walking…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 11-15-2015

I'll admit right out the gate that I've never been a fan of physical activity. Most of the exercise I've gotten during my life has been out of necessity and has never been something I've done for pleasure. 

Don't get me wrong, I will bust my ass when needed. Several years ago when my car broke down and I couldn't afford to fix it I bought a bike and had to ride about 15 miles a day to get home from work because the buses stopped running by the time I got off.

Though I lost a lot of weight and could feel the benefits, I stopped riding the moment I got my car back. Conceptually, I would make plans to get back to riding because I know idealistically it was a better option for multiple reasons.

The problem is, I just don't have a drive to be that active. I wish I even wished that I had it in me to be a person that is in to fitness. Even in my fantasies, where I no longer have to work and the world is working to my advantage, I see myself just sitting at a computer writing while taking breaks to nap and watch TV.

All this said about my laziness, I did get rid of my car a little over a year ago and have been walking everywhere I need to go ever since. I recently bought a new bike to widen my range of mobility. So I have been working on mandatory ways to get moving. I'm just not a fan.

I finally feel like I'm starting to adjust to all the changes I've made over the past couple years. Starting. I know the choices I made were my own doing but I still feel like I lost everything that was important to me and it's hard to feel enthused enough to even get out of bed some days let alone go out for a jog.

Now that the acceptance of loss and change is starting to set in I'm hoping that all my plots and efforts to change will start paying out and I'll have a positive enough outlook to start putting real effort into life again and maybe when that happens I will start to run.

We'll see what happens and I let you know when it does.