Resolution #363: Create A Multilevel Fundraiser Campaign For The Wicker Breaker...

Date: 12-29-2014

Due Date: 12-29-2015

The Resolutions: I've never been all that good at fundraising. Part of it has to do with my low self-esteem and part of it has to do with flawed logic. The two tend to feed off one another.

Having low self-esteem leads me to believe that my work is good but not good enough. The flawed logic tells me that if I was good enough I wouldn't have to put any effort into promotion. 

So, when fans and funding aren't just magically appearing this confirms my flawed logic while lowering my self-esteem even more.

Do you see the problem here?

I do and yet I still can't control the negative thinking.

This year I'm actually going to attempt to put an actual effort into self-promotion by creating a multilevel fundraiser.

First, I'm going to start with an Indiegogo campaign to test the waters. I figure since I'm already two years into this ten-year project (Area 52: Southland Tales Reviews and 365 Days of Resolution and upcoming challenges to be announced) people may see that I'm dead serious about following this dream through to completion and may be inspired to help out.

Second, when I open TheWickerBreaker online shop as part of Resolution #359, I want to add links to the products that I've used in my experiments just in case people want to give any of these items a shot, while will give me a percentage of the sale.

Third, I want to add a way to allow people to donate items, new or used, that I need in order to complete the resolution that they really want to see completed. This will be an attempt to let those who worry about where their money actually goes to know that their donation is going to what they find worth.

Fourth, I plan to set up a way for people to donate their time and get involved with the overall project. Whether you’re an artist, a gardener, an editor, a web designer, a fisherman, etc... I could use a lot of mentoring to complete these tasks the best that I can.

Fifth, and this one is more of a novelty idea but something I want to throw out there, I want to offer 1% of my future (non-donated) earnings to anyone who donates over $10,000. I doubt this will happen but why not try something new.

And finally the rewards...

Anyone who does donate will get to choose a personalized gift from any of the creative resolutions I've set out to achieve.

I'll be rolling out these steps throughout the year.

Here's to nothing!!!


Result #363: I Successfully Created A Failed Crowdfunding Campaign…


Update #1: The Conclusion.

Date: 12-29-2015

I'm not all that surprised that my crowdfunding campaign failed. I didn't really want to do it because I don't like asking others for anything. I know from prior attempts to fund films that I am horrible at self-promotion but I wanted to give it a shot to see if there was any interest.

I did manage to create a campaign but I only posted about it twice. Once, on day one, which happened to be New Year's at midnight… and once on the last day to catch any stragglers. 

I don't know if I would say that I sabotaged my attempt but I would say that I didn't help. I get it though, I don't have a service or product to sell, only content and it seems that people barely like to read content, let alone pay for it.

Oh well, I may try to revisit this if I manage to create a service or product to sell but I think I'm over the idea of crowdfunding any of my ventures. I think I would prefer to earn the money than have it donated.

If my outlook does change I'll be sure to let you know.