Resolution #59: Create And Maintain A SubReddit For This Nonsense...

Date: 2-28-2014

Due Date: 2-28-2015

Resolution: I know just the other day I said that I wasn't going to worry about how many readers I have, but that's not to say I'm not going to try to find new ways to get more readers.

Toward the beginning of this venture… I discovered Reddit through my resolution to take advantage of more free education. I've always heard of Reddit but had no idea how it worked. I've been messing around with the site since then and still have no idea how it works but I can see through my statistics tracker that people are coming over from there, so I figured I may as well embrace it.

I created a subreddit for and have updated it from time to time, but from here on out… I will try to keep it up to date with my daily resolutions. Every Sunday will guarantee that I fill in anything that I may have missed throughout the week. At this point… this just means posting the actual resolution and responding to comments, but if it becomes popular I'll be sure to add more content to the list.

If you’re a fan of this project and us the Reddit; please check out my subreddit and subscribe. Today's kind of my birthday (I don't really get one this year because of Leap Year though) if that helps to bribe you to participate. :)


Result #59: I Was Successful At Creating And Updating A SubReddit Page… but… I Was Unsuccessful At Creating A Buzz... I Did My Part Though… So… I’ll Consider This To Be A Success!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 3-2-2015

So I've successfully created a SubReddit page for I've also been successful at keeping said SubReddit page up to date... Well as up to satisfy the bare minimum requirement for this resolution. 

The problem is, other than signing in to update my SubReddit page, I never use Reddit so I'm still not fully sure how it works.

Who knows?

Maybe someday this subreddit will take on a life of its own through some sort or Reddit movement that I'm unaware of, but until that happens I think I'm going to stick to the blog, Facebook and Twitter.


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