Resolution #60: Build A Ship In A Bottle... Add A Message Inside... And Chuck It Out To Sea...
/Date: 2-29-2014 (aka 3-1-2014)
Due date: 2-29-2015 (aka 3-1-2015)
Resolution: For this resolution… I plan to buy a ship in a bottle kit… build the ship… and then save all of my writing to a thumb drive to seal in with the ship… and then chuck the bottle into the ocean to see if it ever gets found…
Result #60: Though I Successfully Bought A Ship In A Bottle Kit… I Still Need To Build The Boat… :(
Update #1: The Conclusion…
Date: 3-2-2015
I bought this ship in a bottle kit quite a while ago. I had a friend who wanted to build one with me but at the time I was having a hard enough time building up the esteem to be social in general let alone coordinate a day that requires more planning than just showing up.
I feel bad because I was hoping to do more of these resolutions with others. I just didn't have it in me to take charge and commit to any plans.
I saved the kit just in case we were able to work out at a time to team up and build some boats but I failed.
I also failed to double-check the due date on this resolution but now that I've moved and have no one to coordinate with I guess I should get to work.
I'll get started on this soon and keep you posted on how it turns out.