Resolution #80: Take A Wine Tasting Class...

Date: 3-21-2014

Due Date: 3-21-2015

Resolution: Over the years I've gotten pretty good at drinking wine but can't even fake my way through a conversation about how it actually tastes. In the past… I thought the idea of taking a class where you get to drink was novel and intriguing but never took the idea seriously enough to follow through and sign up. Since this is the year for trying new things, I'm going to add Wine Tasting Lessons to the list.


Result #80: Though I’ve Tasted A Lot Of Wine This Year… I Failed To Track Down A Wine Tasting Class…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 3-21-2015

When I was younger I would have done this class in a heartbeat. At the time I set this resolution… I was hoping that I would find a balance between reclusiveness and willingness to venture out to fulfill some of the more social tasks on this list. I had delusions that I would actually leave my apartment to head out to a classroom filled with strangers to participate in an activity that I feel is outside of my range of sophistication... alone.

Even though I want to use the excuse that this challenge was cost-prohibitive the classes I did manage to find didn't cost all that much. Something just switched into me where I have so much anxiety about social situations that I let the cost be my excuse for putting this off.

I still plan to take a wine tasting class at some point in my life but I think it's going to have to wait until I have someone else to go with.

Who knows when that will be?

I'll keep you posted if I ever pull it off.