Resolution #358: I Will Never Work On The Holidays Again...

Resolution #358: I Will Never Work On The Holidays Again...

Date: 12-24-2014

Due Date: 12-24-2015

The Resolution: I've never been a big fan of Christmas or any other holiday. As an Atheist… I have no significant connection worth celebrating. As a Leap Year Baby, I have a weird grievance toward celebratory dates. As a depressed person who doesn’t relate to the festivities, I’ve always felt alone.

Now I appreciate the family aspect of the season. I try to plan my annual trip home to share in the celebration of the birth and the existence of two fictional characters, but that's only a recent development.

For the longest time… I had no intention of ever going back home. This led to many lonely winters. I'd get invited to hang out with friend’s families but I wasn't looking for a replacement. I just wanted to be left alone.

And I was.

Over the past few years… I've gotten over my issues with “home” and have really enjoyed being with my family during this time but I’d love to be around them with or without a theme.

This is the first year, since my new found fondness, that I wasn't able to make the pilgrimage. I now work retail, where not only is my store open every day of the year; they no longer have shortened hours for the holidays.

In fact… the store is open until midnight tonight.

It's been a little over a decade and a half since I worked on the holidays but back then I was given the option, "Do you want to work making double time and a half or do you want the day off."

Given the choice… I always worked as a way to avoid the whole pity of being lonely during these times of celebration.

This year I had no choice and I hated it.

I never want to be in this predicament ever again.

When I move back to California I'll have a little extra time to find a job that I actually want and not just accept the first offer out of desperation.

1) I will not work retail ever again…


2) I will never work at a job that is open on the holidays ever again. I don't even want the option to work on these days that are meant to blow off steam…

…oh and…

3) I will not do anything to make anyone else have to work on these special days.

I'm going to try it for a year and hopefully continue for the rest of my life.

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Resolution #359: Create A Store Page For The Wicker Breaker....

Resolution #359: Create A Store Page For The Wicker Breaker....

Date: 12-25-2014

Due Date: 12-25-2015

The Resolution: What better day is there to announce my first capitalistic attempt to monetize than Christmas?

There are multiple reasons why I want to start my own online store.

The first reason being, I've made many resolutions to learn to create things, things that people may be interested in purchasing.

Second, I want to add links to products that I’ve used throughout this experiment. has a way that I can get a percentage of purchases made through my links. I figure if I inspire someone to try any of these experiments I attempted, I may as well get a cut.

I'd also like to add a way for people to donate items to help ensure that I complete as many resolutions as possible. I feel that some people may be more willing to donate an item rather than cash to make sure their generosity goes to the right thing.

Finally, money.

I'm still looking to be my own boss and making money is a major step.

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Resolution #360: Create A Batt Munker... Phunken Drilosopher... Add-Vice Column...

Resolution #360: Create A Batt Munker... Phunken Drilosopher... Add-Vice Column...

Date: 12-26-2014

Due Date: 12-26-2015

The Resolution: I got pretty frustrated with my last round of visits to the shrink. She disagreed with the multiple diagnoses from past psychiatrists. Every time I would try to explain why I thought I had this disorder or that, she would shut me down saying that's not how this or that disorder works.

Then one day I said it feels like I have a multiple personality disorder… to which her eye lit up in a very micro-expressing way. I instantly started to defend myself explaining that it's not like I have a different name for each personality… like there's no Timmy or Jane or Old Man Jones in me. It just feels my personality shifts rather extremely depending on the situation.

Then I left the building with split personalities on my mind. I quickly realized there may be no Timmy or Jane or Old Man Jones, but there is a Matt, Matthew, Matt Bunker, Matthew Bunker, and Bunker.

Sure anyone can do this by just pointing out alternate versions of their legal name but I've always thought I have a distinct personality depending on which me is needed at any time.

What does this have to do with an advice column?

The other night when Drunk Bunker was in control I decided I needed a better identity to avoid ruining Bunker's life.

I then created Batt Munker... Phunken Drilosopher and put out a call for questions.

I got a few and it turned out to be pretty fun providing drunken answers and I want to do this more.

So here we are today.

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Resolution #361: Incorporate And Create Business Cards And Swag...

Resolution #361: Incorporate And Create Business Cards And Swag...

Date: 12-27-2014

Due Date: 12-27-2015

The Resolution: I'm not even fully sure what the benefits of getting incorporated actually are. I just think it will be a nice step for me to take myself and my work more seriously. I don't know for sure but I also think it may help my chances of getting an intern.

Mainly I just want new business cards!!!

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Resolution #362: Subscribe To Playboy And Read Every Issues From Cover To Cover For One Year.

Resolution #362: Subscribe To Playboy And Read Every Issues From Cover To Cover For One Year.

Date: 12-28-2014

Due Date: 12-28-2015

The Resolution: Whenever people joke that they "Look at Playboy for the articles," there's usually a sense of honesty to their proclamation. I wouldn't know, I was always too busy "looking" at the photos to read anything more than the jokes and single-cell comics.

Then I realized in general I only look at the pictures in the magazine I "read." Notice the quotations marks moved from look to read. I don't "look" at everything I feast my eyes on. Now whether looking or "looking" both activities take place on the internet these days and I "read" with the same style of glancing at headlines and skimming the opening paragraph to then make up a reality of what the rest of the article has to say.

I feel I'm not alone here and with so much information this snap judgment approach to obtaining our news is why we're doomed.

No one is on the same page as to what is going on in this world because history is all made up in everyone's head. The closest we come to connecting is tuning into sound bites from people that we mostly agree with.


How did I get here?

The resolution from what I've put together in my mind is that I'm going to spend one year reading up on high-end stereo equipment while looking at boobies!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Resolution #363: Create A Multilevel Fundraiser Campaign For The Wicker Breaker...

Resolution #363: Create A Multilevel Fundraiser Campaign For The Wicker Breaker...

Date: 12-29-2014

Due Date: 12-29-2015

The Resolutions: I've never been all that good at fundraising. Part of it has to do with my low self-esteem and part of it has to do with flawed logic. The two tend to feed off one another.

Having low self-esteem leads me to believe that my work is good but not good enough. The flawed logic tells me that if I was good enough I wouldn't have to put any effort into promotion.

So, when fans and funding aren't just magically appearing this confirms my flawed logic while lowering my self-esteem even more.

Do you see the problem here?

I do and yet I still can't control the negative thinking.

This year I'm actually going to attempt to put an actual effort into self-promotion by creating a multilevel fundraiser.

First, I'm going to start with an Indiegogo campaign to test the waters. I figure since I'm already two years into this ten-year project (Area 52: Southland Tales Reviews and 365 Days of Resolution and upcoming challenges to be announced) people may see that I'm dead serious about following this dream through to completion and may be inspired to help out.

Second, when I open TheWickerBreaker online shop as part of Resolution #359, I want to add links to the products that I've used in my experiments just in case people want to give any of these items a shot, while will give me a percentage of the sale.

Third, I want to add a way to allow people to donate items, new or used, that I need in order to complete the resolution that they really want to see completed. This will be an attempt to let those who worry about where their money actually goes to know that their donation is going to what they find worth.

Fourth, I plan to set up a way for people to donate their time and get involved with the overall project. Whether you’re an artist, a gardener, an editor, a web designer, a fisherman, etc... I could use a lot of mentoring to complete these tasks the best that I can.

Fifth, and this one is more of a novelty idea but something I want to throw out there, I want to offer 1% of my future (non-donated) earnings to anyone who donates over $10,000. I doubt this will happen but why not try something new.

And finally the rewards...

Anyone who does donate will get to choose a personalized gift from any of the creative resolutions I've set out to achieve.

I'll be rolling out these steps throughout the year.

Here's to nothing!!!

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Resolution #364: Listen To Darth Vader As He Reads The Bible...

Resolution #364: Listen To Darth Vader As He Reads The Bible...

Date: 12-30-2014

Due Date: 12-30-2014

This might sound like a weird resolution coming from an Atheist... but... as someone who never had religion... I've always been fascinated with those who do believe... no matter the dogma... I once read that a higher percent of Atheists have read the bible than those who believe... so... for Resolution #364... I'm going to let Darth Vader read me The Bible...

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Resolution #365: Interpret “Success Is Going From Failure To Failure Without Losing Enthusiasm,” Into An Equation For A Tattoo...

Resolution #365: Interpret “Success Is Going From Failure To Failure Without Losing Enthusiasm,” Into An Equation For A Tattoo...

Date: 12-31-2014

Due Date: 12-31-2015

For Resolution #365... to celebrate/close-out... 365 Days of Resolution... I plan to translate the Winston Churchill quote... "Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm..." into an equation to then get tattooed... whether I succeed or fail!!!

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