Dateline 10-24-2016

I hate not having control over my sleep. Last night I ended up staying awake until around 7:30 in the AM. The thing that sucks is that I gave up working on my app assignment around 2:30 in the AM when I felt too tired to focus. I thought for sure I would be able to head over to my head and just doze off but no.

I try to follow the rule of only lying in bed when it is time to sleep so every half hour or so I would get out of bed to try something else until I felt tired enough to sleep again but this head just won't go silent without any help. 

I'd be fine with this crazy sleep schedule if it wasn't for the fact that I'm still waking up around the same time to then have to fight to fit in at least six hours of slumber. I actually prefer sleeping when I feel I need sleep over sticking to a schedule, I just not a fan of not being able to sleep when I feel that I really need it. 

Right now I feel like I have the energy to stay up all night again but my mind is a little clouded making it difficult to focus. I can't wait until payday so that I can buy what I need to get back on the old schedule that worked for me.

Until then, I'm still plugging away at the job and school.

Talk to you tomorrow,

The Wicker Breaker