Dateline 10-8-2016

I'm still at a loss for things to write about so I'm just going to make a quick garden update. It's been a while since my last update due to the fact that most of my plants died during one of the summer heat waves. I currently have two plants left and am about to attempt to start another batch. 

These two survivors were pretty boring up until about a week ago, the green onions just look like a patch of long grass and though my bell pepper plant looked strong there was no sign of any edible growth.

Until now:

It's hard to see them but now there are little tiny peppers popping up all over the place. Well, there's like four or five which isn't quite all over but I can see many little buds where the peppers pop out of.  That patch of grass in the corner are the green onions I was talking about. Still not all that impressive.

I'm hoping that since I live in Southern California where it never gets all that cold, I'll be able to garden throughout the year. I've done some research and am currently starting some seedlings in hopes to fill this planter with growing foods. I can't wait to get a solid rotation going because so far, I've put in all this time and effort for a payoff of three tiny tasty tomatoes. 

Oh well, we'll see what happens. Until then, I'm going to waste the rest of my day watching Stranger Things. Hopefully watching non-documentary/non-reality-TV/non-YouTube forms of entertainment will inspiring me to seek out more to write about because I'm tired of feeling so uninspired.

Talk to you tomorrow,

- The Wicker Breaker