Dateline 11-12-2016
/Last night I turned in my latest Android assignment and as promised, here is my update. If you've been following my progress at all you may know that this was supposed to be a travel app, which as a shut-in, I had a hard time feeling inspired. Even when I was less introverted, I was never all that interested in travel or touristy type things.
I noted this when I turned in the assignment, saying that this assignment was my spin on the assignment which might not follow the literal requirements but I did feel I stuck with the technical requirements, I just went with a slightly different theme.
Here's what I came up with...
I came up with The Shut-ins Guide to San Diego. For the sample, I just chose the places, activities and people that I interact with but if I were to develop this further I would make it more customizable to allow travelers to update where they are, what they are doing and who they are with, to then share with friends that may want to join in on the fun.
First you pick your spot...
I currently am at My Home Office so that will be my example.
Next, you can add what you are doing and right now I am watching TV, so...
And finally, I am with my dog so...
And once you make your selection the main page is updated...
As I said, the finished product would be a lot more interactive and customizable to include more details about what is going on and what the users are up to.
When I first started to read my feedback I was nervous because the instructor agreed right away that I didn't stick to the assignment. I was supposed to just have four pages with four lists with categories like; restaurants, landmarks, shops and entertainment venues. It didn't even need to be all that interactive.
I was worried that I would have to do it over but the instructor agreed that I did meet all the technical requirements and since I went above and beyond what they were looking for I was going to get full credit, which means I get to move on to my next set of classes!!!
I can't wait for the next assignment because after reading the description, I'm this is an app that I would actually like to continue to develop once I am done with my training.
As always, I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker