Dateline 11-13-2016

It's Sunday and I'm excited about the start of a new week. My anxieties over the election have passed now that a decision has been made. Though the outcome wasn't ideal, there was no was no comforting choice in my opinion so I do feel at ease now that we are no longer stuck in a limbo of who will be our monster and now we can start to work together to deal with our common enemy. I personally feel that had it gone the other way, the wedge in the left would have grown leaving the door open to god only knows what.

I know, I said I wasn't going to talk politics anymore, but I only brought it up to point out how some of my anxieties have been put to ease. I also finally got my medical card renewed and though I may have been overdoing it the past couple days, I'm back to a regular sleep schedule which also helps me feel more grounded.

My over indulgent may have led to a less productive than desired weekend, but it was the weekend after all and I was celebrating the completion of my latest Android assignment which has also been adding some weight to my shoulders.

Where I was unenthused by the last assignment, I can't wait to start the next, and with politics in the past and a steady sleep schedule, I'm feeling very optimistic about the week to come, but first, one more sleepy Sunday of Survivor watching before I hit the ground running.

Talk to you tomorrow,

The Wicker Breaker