Dateline 11-28-2016
/Damn it, where yesterday I was reporting that I was happy about how I was accidentally over productive the day before, today my tale to tell is of time wasted. The part that sucks is that, said wasted time, was not due to a lack of effort. I would be fine with that, as it was Sunday after all.
No, I spent several hours stuck on a problem that I thought would be super easy to implement into my latest Android app. I don't want to get too technical but I ran into a problem parsing data into an unnecessary feature that I added for the aesthetics alone.
I went into this bonus feature thinking it would be just a quick tweak since I've done similar things even within this very app. The problem was with the type of content container I was using that requires different steps to receive data passed on from another container.
I am very proud of myself for being able to figure it out without any help from the internet, but that's only because the internet was not helpful at all in this case. I'm sure the bigger problem is me not knowing the right question to ask and not that the internet doesn't know how apps work.
Now I'm to the polishing point of the process where I have to go through and tweak the layout until I'm happy, create styles for my content for cleaner coding, transfer all my strings into a file to meet the localization requirements, and add the missing lines of annotation that explain what each cluster of code is supposed to do.
Since all the functionality of the app is complete this should be done by the end of the day so that I can turn it in first thing tomorrow to then start my next set of classes. This next batch looks like it's going to be quick so I should be on to my next assignment by the middle of the week. This looks like it's going to be a fun one as well.
Hopefully, everything will be ready by the time I write tomorrow's post so that I will have one more app to share with you.
Talk to you then,
The Wicker Breaker