Dateline 11-5-2016
/Oh, what a night!!!
Before running out of my last stash of meds, it's been over a year since taking more than a day or two off from smoking. That may sound bad but I do smoke mainly to help with my insomnia and since I do need sleep daily... I'm not going to lie and say I don't really enjoy the recreational aspects as well but for the most part, I wait until all my duties are done and I'm ready to wind down for bed before I smoke a bowl to put me down for the day.
Since I do smoke on a regular basis my tolerance is pretty high. That said, I was excited to smoke again because nothing resets the system like taking two weeks off. I ordered some flowers and some foods and as soon as I finished my daily obligation I set out to get obliterated and obliterated I got.
With my system reset it only took a couple hits to send me off into space, with an empty schedule for the day, I decided to push my limits knowing full well that the edible I ordered would send me over the top. I enjoyed a full space cake and sank into the couch.
My mind was altered so I was no longer interested in the election coverage which has been a growing obsession since going dry, I now needed entertainment, I needed to laugh. I started a web show featuring comedians getting high which hit the right spots. The show wasn't quite laugh-out-loud funny but it was the perfect tone for the state I was in because the space cake kicked in and I was in the mood to chill.
I woke up a couple hours later still flying from the space cake. I spent the rest of the night focused on relaxation and watch more show without checking my cell phone or computer for any updates from the horrifying outside world.
I now feel nice and reset and ready to face the day.
We'll see what happens.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker